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Date/Time FAQ: Hi8 Sony Camcorders with DATA CODE function and RC Timecode (RCTC)

Here are answers to common questions about Date and Time features in Hi8 camcorder models including a brief glossary to define our most used technical terms. We list all Hi8 Sony PAL and NTSC models that support the Data Code and RC Time Code function.



Which Sony Hi8 Camcorder features does Hi8DateTime Require?

The following Hi8 Camcorder features, present on certain high end prosumer Hi8 Sony models, are used by Hi8DateTime:

  • DATA CODE function. Camcorders with the DATA CODE function  record the date (YYMMDD) and time (HH:MM:SS) when video taping so that you can later optionally show the date or time during play back in VTR mode by pressing the Date or Time buttons (or DATA CODE button) on your camcorder.
  • Rewritable Consumer Time Code (RCTC or RC Time Code). Rewritable Consumer Time Code, RCTC and RC Time Code all mean the same thing. The Rewriteable Consumer Time Code is a frame accurate tape counter that is written in CAMERA mode starting at 00:00:00.00 at the beginning of the tape.
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What is the Definition of the Sony Hi8 Camcorder Data Code function?

  • The Data Code function. Camcorders with DATA CODE function record the date (YYMMDD) and time (HH:MM:SS) when video taping so that you can later optionally show the date and/or time during play back in VTR mode by pressing the Date or Time buttons (or DATA CODE button) on your camcorder. Sony  defines "Displaying the Recording Date or Time - Data Code Function" as:

"even if you didn't record date or time, you can display the recording date or time (data code) on the TV during playback or editing. You can also display the data code inside the viewfinder and in the display window at the same time. Each time you press DATA CODE on the Remote Commander, the display changes as follows: Date -> Time ->No indicator".

These high end camcorders (except the CCD-TR101) also have a Date Search and Date Scan mode defined by Sony as "Searching the boundaries of recorded date":

"You can search for the boundary between recording dates using the Date Code automatically recorded on the tape. There are two modes:

  • Search for the beginning of a specific date, and playing back from there (Date Search)
  • Searching for the beginning of all days, one after another, playing back about 10 seconds of each (Date Scan)"
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What is the Definition of the Rewriteable Consumer Time Code, RCTC or RC Time Code?

  • Rewritable Consumer Time Code (RCTC or RC Time Code). The Rewriteable Consumer Time Code is a frame accurate tape counter that is written in CAMERA mode starting at 00:00:00.00 In this 8mm video tape format, the  Index, RC Time Code, and Data Code (i.e. Date and Time) are also multiplexed to the same area. Because this area is written before the video section of each diagonal helical scan, it can be independently rewritten without overwriting the video + audio (Hi-Fi Stereo) (Standard Track). See Page 9 of Sony's CCD-V801 Operating Instructions for more details.

    These high end Hi8 camcorders (except the CCD-TR101) also have two related RC Time Code features:


    • the ability to display either the Normal Counter or the Time Code Counter read from the tape on the Viewfinder, Display Screen and TV. The difference is that the "Normal Counter" can be reset to 0 at any time and has lower accuracy during multiple tape transport operations, but the Time Code Counter is written with each frame. The Display does not show the frame count. Sony documents this under "tape counter" and "COUNTER<NORMAL/TIME CODE>".
    • the ability to write the RC Time Code on a recorded tape in VTR mode by pressing the TIME CODE WRITE button. This feature is primarily useful for various tape to tape editing operations, however a note on writing the RC time code warns that "If you write RC Time Code on a Recorded Tape, the DATA Code is erased". Consequently, Hi8DateTime cannot capture or log the date or time where the DATA Code has been inadvertently erased by the use of the TIME CODE WRITE feature.
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Which NTSC Sony Models feature Data Code and Rewritable Consumer Time Code, RCTC or RC Time Code?

Hi8 NTSC camcorder models with Data Code and RC Time Code. Hi8DateTime can capture, extract and log the date, time and tape counter from the list of Hi8 NTSC camcorder models in the table below as these Hi8 models support Data Code and RC Time Code. Read more about Data Code and RC Time Code features by downloading one of the Operating Instructions or search for Sony manuals at Sony's American Support Site.

NTSC Hi8 Model

with Data Code and RC Time Code

alternate ID Publication

Number / date(1)


download from Sony

Operating Instructions (3)

Sony CCD-SC55 CCD SC 55 3-810-885-21 (1) / 1996 English Spanish Sony CCDSC55.pdf      7.3MB
Sony CCD-TR101 CCD TR 101 3-754-482-26 (1) / 1992 English Sony CCDTR101.pdf     4.6MB
Sony CCD-TR2300 CCD TR 2300 3-856-204-21 (1) / 1996 English Sony CCDTR2300.pdf   5.2MB cf TR-3300
Sony CCD-TR3000 CCD TR 3000 3-800-030-21 (1) / 1995 English Sony CCDTR3000.pdf   4.4MB
Sony CCD-TR3300 CCD TR 3300 3-856-548-51 (1) / 1996 English Sony CCDTR3300.pdf   5.2MB cf TR-2300
Sony CCD-TR3400 CCD TR 3400 3-859-084-21 (1) / 1996 English Sony CCDTR3400.pdf   5.4MB
Sony CCD-TR555 CCD TR 555 3-856-784-21 (1) / 1996 English French Sony CCDTR555.pdf     7.5MB
Sony CCD-TR700 CCD TR 700 3-758-022-22 (1) / 1994 English Sony CCDTR700.pdf     3.7MB
Sony CCD-TR910 CCD TR 910 3-856-186-21 (1) / 1996 English Sony CCDTR910.pdf     5.1MB
Sony CCD-TRV101 CCD TRV 101 3-856-814-21 (1) / 1996 English Spanish Sony CCDTRV101.pdf   7.2MB
Sony CCD-TRV81 CCD TRV 81 3-810-817-21 (1) / 1996 English Sony CCDTRV81.pdf     4.7MB
Sony CCD-TRV99 CCD TRV 99 3-862-052-11 (1) / 1998 English Sony CCDTRV99.pdf     5.7MB XR
Sony CCD-V801 CCD V 801 3-752-160-21 (1) / 1991 English Sony CCDV801.pdf       4.8MB PRO
Sony CCD-VX3 CCD VX 3 3-755-638-25 (1) / 1992 English Sony CCDVX3.pdf         7.5MB PRO

General Notes:

(1) Date is publication date of Operating Instructions

(2) XR Camcorders display the recording date, recording time or the recording date and time.

(3) To download under Windows, right click on file name and chose "Save Target As ..."

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Which PAL Sony Models feature Data Code and Rewritable Consumer Time Code, RCTC or RC Time Code?

Hi8 PAL camcorder models with Data Code and RC Time Code. Hi8DateTime can capture, extract and log the date, time and tape counter from the Hi8 camcorder models  listed in the table below as these Hi8 models support Data Code and RC Time Code. Read more about Data Code and RC Time Code features by downloading one of the Operating Instructions or search for Sony manuals at Sony's UK Support Site.

PAL Hi8 Model

with Data Code and

RC Time Code

alternate ID Publication

Number / date(1)



Operating Instructions (3)

Sony CCD-SC55E CCD SC 55E CCDSC55 E    CCD SC 55 E 3856559221 / 1996 French German Sony CCDSC55E.pdf      1.9MB
Sony CCD-TR2200E CCD TR 2200E CCDTR2200E E CCD TR 2200 E 3856204121 / 1996 English Spanish Sony CCDTR2200E.pdf   2.4MB cf TR-2300E
Sony CCD-TR2300E CCD TR 2300E CCDTR2300E E CCD TR 2300 E 3856548221 / 1996 German French Sony CCDTR2300E.pdf   2.5MB cf TR-3300E
Sony CCD-TR3100E CCD TR 3100E CCDTR3100E E CCD TR 3100 E 3859084421 / 1996 German Italian Sony CCDTR3100E.pdf   2.6MB
Sony CCD-TR3E CCD TR 3E CCDTR3E CCD TR3E English Sony CCDTR3100E.pdf   2.6MB Service Manual
Sony CCD-TR3000E CCD TR 3000E CCDTR3000E E CCD TR 3000 E English Sony CCDTR3100E.pdf   2.6MB Service Manual
Sony CCD-TR3200E CCD TR 3200E CCDTR3200E E CCD TR 3200 E 3861893131 / 1998 English Spanish Sony CCDTR3200E.pdf   2.6MB XR (2)
Sony CCD-TR3300E CCD TR 3300E CCDTR3300E E CCD TR 3300 E 3856204121 / 1996 English Russian Sony CCDTR3300E.pdf   2.4MB
Sony CCD-TR3400E CCD TR 3400E CCDTR3400E E CCD TR 3400 E 3859343221 / 1996 German French Sony CCDTR3400E.pdf   2.3MB
Sony CCD-TR555E CCD TR 555E CCDTR555E E CCD TR 555 E 3856784111 / 1996 English Spanish Sony CCDTR555E.pdf     2.0MB
Sony CCD-TR825E CCD TR 825E CCDTR825E E CCD TR 825 E 3859496331 / 1997 English Russian Sony CCDTR825E.pdf     2.1MB
Sony CCD-TR845E CCD TR 845E CCDTR845E E CCD TR 845 E 3861899131 / 1998 English Russian Sony CCDTR845E.pdf     2.3MB XR
Sony CCD-TRV69E CCD TRV 69E CCDTRV69E E CCD TRV 69 E 3861902131 / 1998 English Russian Sony CCDTRV69E.pdf    2.6MB PRO
Sony CCD-TRV6000E CCD TRV 6000E CCDTRV6000E CCD TRV 6000 E 3861902131 / 1998 English Sony CCDTRV6000E.pdf    2.6MB PRO
Sony CCD-TRV77E CCD TRV 77E CCDTRV77E E CCD TRV 77 E 3865658131 / 1998 English Russian Sony CCDTRV77E.pdf    2.8MB PRO
Sony CCD-V800E CCD V800E CCDV800E CCD V800 E English Sony CCDV800E.pdf    2.6MB Service Manual
3-755-638-45(1) / 1993 French Dutch Sony CCDVX1E.pdf    2.8MB PRO

General Notes:

(1) Date is publication date of Operating Instructions

(2) XR Camcorders display the recording date, recording time or the recording date and time.

(3) To download under Windows, right click on file name and chose "Save Target As ..."

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Are there other Sony Models that feature Data Code and RC TimeCode?

Other Sony camcorder models with Data Code and RC Time Code. There may be other Hi8 models that also support Data Code and RC Time Code.If you have further information please contact us.

 Hi8 Model

with Data Code and RC Time Code

alternate model name References
Sony None
(1) No comment



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Last modified: 2025-02-04 19:40:00